How to register best aeps service

 Today we are going to know about AEPS Service, what is this AEPS, how is it taken here, what is the work done by it, you will get to know everything in this.

What is AEPS Service

Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) is a system developed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) that allows people to conduct financial transactions by verifying with the help of Aadhaar number and their fingerprint/iris scan.

By using AEPS service, people do not have to share their bank account information, only Aadhaar number and bank name are used, then you can check balance as well as withdraw money, to take advantage of both the services. For biometrics, this service is very secure, it is a government approved service.

What is needed to check and withdraw money from Aadhar card?

If you also want to start the service of checking and withdrawing money from Aadhaar, then follow the steps given below.

You must have an AEPS ID to check and withdraw money from Aadhar card

Aadhar Card, PAN Card, Mobile Number, Mail ID is required to get AEPS ID.

To get AEPS ID chart on WhatsApp 9672564095 with all documents

Then in a few hours your AEPS ID is ready that you will be sent a user & password website apps link on your mobile through a message, then you can start work.

You can do balance check and withdrawal of money from Aadhaar of only those whose Aadhaar number is linked with bank account.

How to check money with AEPS ID

With this service, you will know when and how the money has arrived in your account and how much balance is there, just like we enter the pass book in the bank, you get to see the entry online.

To take advantage of this service, you must have a finger print machine, which company's finger print device it supports, their name can be seen in the image.

You have to enter any mobile number, it is not necessary that that number should be linked to your bank account,

Enter the Aadhar card number of your 12 number, remember this number must be linked to your bank account, then you can take advantage of this service,

In which bank your account is open, select the name of that bank, some important banks will be visible outside you, which are other banks, their name will have to be searched and selected by clicking on the select bank name below.

Click on Check Device, on clicking this, it will check whether your fingerprint device is connected to your system or not, if everything goes well then you will get to see the message successfully

Then by clicking on the Scan button, the light will be lit in the device, put a finger print of the bank account holder on it, after that you will show you the total balance in his bank account.

How to withdraw money from Aadhar

There is not much difference between these two, with both the options you can withdraw money from Aadhar card, but Aadhar Pay is a little better option than wish Vidraval, if you withdraw money from someone's account and he does not withdraw the payment and he LIMIT tells you, this limit tells you when you try to withdraw more than ten thousand money, if you withdraw money from Aadhar Pay then no one will tell you the limit, from here you can withdraw money up to 50,000 fifty thousand Ho. So this is the only difference, the process of withdrawing money in both is equal in both of them.

Select your finger print device and enter mobile number
Select or enter the amount you want to withdraw
Enter Aadhar card number which is linked with the bank

Then select your bank name, then click on Check Device Button, then click on Scan Button, put the finger of the customer, after that you will get to see the message of the payment will be successfully removed.

AEPS Withdrawal limit per day all bank pdf

RBI has not fixed any limit for transactions done through AEPS. However, various banks have stopped the transactions done through AEPS to reduce the misuse of the payment system, if any. Some banks have put a maximum limit of Rs 50,000 for total transactions per day. is fixed.

Given below is the list of Aeps withdrawal limits of all the banks in India. Seeing which you can easily withdraw money from your account according to the limit.

Name of Bank Type Per Day Limit Per Month Limit
No. of transactions Amount of Transaction No. of Transactions Amount of Transactions
State Bank of India PSB 1 10000 4 40000
Pragathi Krishna Grameena Bank RRB 5 10000 15 100000
Kerala Gramin Bank RRB 5 5000 NA NA
City Union Bank PVT 5 2500 100 50000
United Bank of India PSB 1 10000 No Limit No Limit
Uttarbanga Kshetriya Gramin Bank RRB 2 20000 5 50000
Corporation Bank PSB 5 No Limit No Limit No Limit
Uttarakhand Gramin Bank RRB 3 10000 90 3000000
Central Bank of India PSB 2 10000 10 100000
Baroda Gujrat Gramin Bank RRB 5 10000 5 50000
Bank of Baroda PSB 4 10000 4 40000
Baroda UP Gramin Bank RRB 5 10000 5 50000
Baroda Rajasthan KGB RRB 5 50000 5 50000
Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank RRB 2 20000 60 600000
South Indian Bank PSB 3 30000 90 1500000
Axis Bank PVT 4 40000 No Limit No Limit
Andhra Pragathi Gramin Bank RRB 5 10000 10 10000
Yes Bank PVT 5 40000 No Limit No Limit
Fino Payment Bank PVT 1 10000 15 50000
ICICI Bank PVT 5 25000 15 25000
Karnataka Bank Limited PVT 5 10000 150 300000
Andhra Bank PSB 10000 5 30000
AU Small Finance Bank PVT 2 10000 10 50000
Federal Bank PVT 1 10000 4 40000
IDBI Bank PVT 2 10000 10 50000
IDFC Bank PVT 2 10000 10 50000
IndusInd Bank PVT 2 10000 10 50000
Kotak Mahindra Bank PVT 2 10000 10 50000
HDFC Bank PVT 2 10000 10 50000
Oriental Bank of Commerce PVT 2 10000 5 25000
Airtel Payment Bank PVT 2 10000 10 50000
Odisha Gramya Bank RRB 1 10000 NA NA
Odisha Gramya Bank RRB 1 10000 NA NA
Punjab National Bank PSB 2 10000 10 50000
Punjab & Sindh Bank PSB 2 10000 10 50000
Indian Bank PSB 2 10000 10 50000
Allahabad Bank PSB 2 10000 No Limit No Limit
Andhra Bank PSB 4 25000 No Limit No Limit
Union Bank PSB 2 10000 No Limit No Limit

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