How to check Pan aadhar link status 2022 - How to link aadhaar with pan card online step by step

 Now check, see PAN Aadhar link status, whether your Aadhar PAN is both linked to each other or not, so that you can confirm whether your Aadhar PAN is both linked or not, you can easily check from here.

Pan Aadhar link status check by pan number

If you also want to check PAN Aadhar link status with only PAN number, then how can you do it, for this you have to click on the link given below and select the option with PAN number and enter your PAN number and then accept the term condition. Click on "View Link Status" button then you will get to see PAN Aadhar Link Status

Step 1: - Click Here To Check PAN Aadhar Link Status

Step 2:- First of all select the option "Check By PAN Number"

Step 3:- Enter your PAN number in "ENTER 10 DIGIT PAN NUMBER"

Step 4:- Then accept the term condition

Step 5:- After filling everything click on "View Link Status" button 

When you get to see "Aaadhaar is already linked to PAN", then understand that your PAN is Aadhar link, if anything else comes then understand that it is not linked.

Pan Aadhar link status check by pan number and Aadhar Number

Now check, whether your aadhaar pan is linked to each other or not that too with aadhaar and pan card number, there are two benefits of checking this, first if your pan card is linked to any aadhaar card, and which you aadhaar number If it is linked to that Aadhaar, then you will get "PAN and UID Number linking exists in ITD Master."You will get to see such messages

Step 1: - Click Here To Check PAN Aadhar Link Status

Step 2:- First of all select the option ""Check By Both PAN And UID Number"

Step 3:- Enter your PAN Number in "ENTER 10 DIGIT PAN NUMBER"

Step 4:- Enter your UID Number in "Enter 12 Digit Aadhar Number"

Step 5:- Then accept the term condition

Step 6:- After filling everything click on "View Link Status" button 

On checking from here, you will get to see some such status, if you have PAN and UID Number linking exists in ITD Master. If this message comes, then understand that your Aadhaar and PAN are linked to each other and PAN and UID Number linking mismatch.
When both are not linked to each other, then such a message will be seen.

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