Ayushman Bharat Health ID Card Apply Online 2023-24 #ABHA

Ayushman Bharat Health ID Card Apply Online 2023-24 #ABHA

In today's article, we are going to know that how you can make Ayushman Bharat Health ID Card, what are its benefits, how to make it online Step by Step, in this article today we are going to learn, if you also Ayushman Bharat Health ID If you are thinking of making and want to make, then the complete process has been given below, following which you can apply Realtime Ayushman Bharat ID and download it immediately.

What is ABHA?

If we talk about ABHA then its full form is ABHA - Ayushman Bharat Health Account, registration and obtaining of ABHA card is completely free. There is no cost involved! All you need is a smartphone or computer with a working internet connection.

What is ABHA - Ayushman Bharat Health Account?

ABHA is a unique health ID that uses a 14 digit identification number and can be generated using Aadhaar card or your mobile number. It allows users to digitally share their health records with hospitals, clinics, insurance providers and more.

It will help you find health centers and medical professionals and seamlessly share your medical records with doctors across India. You can also securely save your medical data and provide access to medical professionals when needed. Thus, having an ABHA card can improve your overall healthcare experience.

What are the benefits of ABHA - Ayushman Bharat Health Account?

You never know when you will be admitted to the hospital due to a medical emergency. You can present the card to the hospital to reduce the delay in cashless treatment. Unique ID proof with all relevant details is required to contact your insurer, process your payments, and settle your hospital medical costs quickly.

ABHA is a unique health ID that uses a 14 digit identification number and can be generated using Aadhaar card or your mobile number. It allows users to digitally share their health records with hospitals, clinics, insurance providers and more. Citizens can create their own unique ABHA without any cost.

Who is eligible for ABHA - Ayushman Bharat Health Account Card?

The first thing is that if you are an Indian, then you are eligible for the scheme Ayushman Bharat Health Card. A person can become a part of this scheme only if the annual income of his family is less than 2.5 lakhs. There will be no bar of categories in this scheme.

While Aura is currently voluntary, there is a great possibility that it will be made mandatory to access certain services, similar to the trajectory of Aadhaar. This will exclude a large part of the population.

Ayushman Bharat Health ID Card Apply Online

To make Ayushman Bharat Health ID Card sitting at home online, follow all the steps given below carefully -

Step 1:- First of all https://healthid.ndhm.gov.in/ Click on the link of this website and open the website.

Step 2: - The website of ABHA opens in front of you, now you have to click on the Create ABHA Number button.

Step 3:- To make ABHA ID Card, you can use either Aadhar Number or Driving License as we tick Using Aadhaar per.

Step 4: - You will get to see this as soon as you tick on the Aadhaar card, now you have to click on Next Button.

Step 5:- Enter your 12 digit Aadhaar Number, Tick I Agree Box, Fill the Answer to the Question and then Click on Next Button.

Step 6:- The 6 digit code has been sent to the mobile number registered with your Aadhaar card, enter it here and then press Next Button.

Step 7: - Then the Automatic ABHA Card becomes ready and available for download in front of you, if you want to update anything, here you are getting to see the option on the left side, you can update from there, like Photo You can change the details like Address, Mobile Number, Email ID etc.

Now you can download its print and keep it with you, then you can download it by applying your ABHA ID Card.

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